
How to grow your Chama wealth

Chamas or merry-go-rounds are more popular today than ever before. These informal cooperative societies have over the years been used to pool resources and invest in profitable ventures. Statistics done in the country suggest that one in three Kenyans is a Chama member.

Chamas are also known as micro-savings groups are not unique to Kenya but can also be found in the rest of Africa. Kenya has an estimated 300,000 chamas that are managing a total of KSH 300 billion (US$3.4 billion) in assets. Through these groups, members achieve significant growth in their finances and success in business ventures such as land investment projects.

How to join a Chama

Although Chamas vary in terms and conditions, most require an existing member to vouch for new admission, and thereafter new entries are taken through a series of interviews. Once you become a member of a Chama, you will be required to make monthly contributions as stipulated by the terms and conditions.

Why a Chama?

Chamas are a great avenue to pool resources, save, invest, and grow money. It is much easier to venture into land projects as a group rather than as an individual because the pooled resources can be converted to capital for real estate investment.

Benefits of Real Estate investment for Chamas

Chamas can gain remarkable returns on their real estate investment through the following ways:

  • The group can choose to lease the purchased piece of land or property for a while
  • Increase the value of the land and later reselling it at a higher price
  • Begin construction on the land for holiday homes, rental houses or business premises and thereafter sell or rent for a substantial profit


Despite the immense benefits of creating wealth with Real Estate investment, the majority of Chamas are still skeptical due to misinformation. The first step to fix this as members of the Chama is to begin research into real estate investment. You do not need to be experts however, an understanding of how the market is important. The next step is to find an investment company that specializes in real estate such as Emmaus properries.

Investing in real estate is a simple process, all you have to do is find the right investment company. Contact us today for exclusive Chama package deals and all other related matters on real estate investment.

Usiwachwe nyuma!


Should you buy or lease land in Kenya?

The process of acquiring property in Kenya can be strenuous and confusing especially for first-time buyers. This is why it is important to do your research before transacting on any investment.

To buy or to lease is a common debate among investors. Most people go back and forth on whether to buy or lease land. There are several factors to consider before making this decision and in an effort to help you make a more informative one, we have outlined reasons to why you should lean more towards buying land in Kenya.

Why you should buy land

  1. The pride in land ownership

When you buy land from a reliable real estate company like Emmaus Properties, you will receive a Title deed with your name and you officially become a landowner. There is a sense of pride and achievement when you see your name on that Title deed and knowing that a piece of Keya belongs to you.

  1. Buying the land gives you more control

As the landowner you can choose what activities take place on your land as opposed to being a lessee. When you have invested in leased land, activities and the use of land are subject to the lessor preferences. You have little to no control as the lessor decides on the terms of the lease.

  1. Land is an appreciating asset

Land ownership gives you the opportunity to benefit from capital growth—the increase of your land’s value over time. The rate of appreciation varies with the inflation rate, development on the land, growth of the area, and other factors. Consult with your realtor to find out the best options for your land investment.

  1. Loan security

Regardless of the size, land is an acceptable form of security for financial loans. You can receive a loan from your bank or any other financial institution by presenting your Title deed to them for evaluation.

  1. It can be inherited

Purchasing land is not only an accomplishment and security for you but also for generations within your family. You can pass down the prestige and benefits of being a landowner to your children, grandchildren, and even more generations to follow.

“Landowners grow rich in their sleep without working, risking or economizing.”


Buying land can in the long run become one of your best investment choices once you understand how the real estate market works. It can produce high returns, passive income, and large profit margins. Contact us today and we will walk with you on your real estate investment journey.


4 Common Mistakes Real Estate Investors Should Avoid

Most investors strive to secure their financial well-being through real estate investment. However, some have faced huge losses despite the lucrative returns from the real estate market.

The truth is no one starts off knowing all the ins and outs of the real estate market, we learn and gain knowledge with time. We have put together a list of common mistakes you can avoid when investing in the real estate market in Kenya.

  1. Conducting shallow research

Research. Research. Research. Before you jump in with both feet, it is important to know what you are getting yourself into. We encourage investors to know the industry and market before making a financial transaction. You can conduct research or approach an experienced real estate company such as Emmaus Properties to expound more on the same. Ensure you ask lots of questions and clarification on terms that may seem unclear.

  1. Going in alone

Some people think they know it all and they choose to go ahead in making a real estate transaction on their own. Whether you own several plots or have gone through months of real estate investment research, the process of acquiring land alone may not go as smoothly as you expect. As an investor, you should make use of every resource available and this includes the experts in the real estate business who will help you make the right investment purchase.

  1. Underestimating a location

A good example of this is the town of Matuu and its surrounding. Most people have categorically dismissed investing in the area due to reasons that are commonly associated with growing towns such as ongoing works on infrastructure, incomplete roads, and distance from the Capital. While these may be the facts on the ground, the beauty of developing towns is investors can secure good deals ie- an 1/8th of an acre in Matuu goes for Ksh. 349,000 under Emmaus properties. Growing with a town gives you the opportunity for higher returns on your investment.

  1. Transacting without a goal

The number one thing every person should be aware of is that there are several investment opportunities in the real estate market. Before making a real estate transaction, you should have an objective in mind. Some of the questions that you can ask yourself are: Why real estate? What developments do I want for my land? What are my long-term goals with this investment?

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.

Bottom Line

Mistakes can turn out to be a good thing as with each is an opportunity to learn and become a better real estate investor. Contact Emmaus Properties for a further conversation on real estate investment.

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